So you’ve been Canceled, Now What?

So you’ve been canceled, now what.


You have just been canceled. The world is falling apart around you, and you’re not sure what to do. Your livelihood and reputation may be at stake, but that’s not the worst part. The worst part is that there’s a good chance your friends and family are now judging you too! They may even stop liking the things you like on social media. But don’t worry; we’ve got some tips for how to deal with this situation and make things right again:

What is cancel culture?

Cancel culture is a term used to describe a culture of people who are quick to cancel others, usually in the entertainment industry, for something they say or do. This could be anything from making an offensive joke to having racist tweets on their Twitter account. The term cancel culture is generally used by those who feel disenfranchised by the way they have been treated by society in the past. For example, white men may not understand why someone would want them canceled because they haven’t personally experienced racism or sexism but do understand how it feels when someone you love gets canceled from something they worked hard on because of something stupid that was said years ago or even just recently.

Did you do something wrong?

  • You made a mistake.
  • You were wrong.
  • You did not apologize.
  • You did not make things right.

Making things right.

  • Apologize.
  • Ask for forgiveness. You might have to do it more than once, but it’s an important step in the process of making amends and moving on.
  • Make amends. Give back what you took, if possible (e.g., refunding a lost customer’s money). Do what you can to fix any damage done (e.g., repairing broken furniture or doing extra hours at work when there was no intention of doing so). This can be time-consuming and difficult—but remember that this is one of the most important steps in mending relationships with anyone who was affected by your misdeeds!
  • Be honest and transparent about what happened; don’t sugarcoat anything or make excuses for yourself or others involved in causing the situation at hand to happen in the first place! It will only make matters worse for everyone involved long term if we don’t come clean about everything right away instead of trying not being responsible later down the road when times get tough again due again..
  • Open up communication channels between yourself as well as between others who were impacted negatively due directly/indirectly from whatever issue caused such problems in order for us all collectively communicate better towards resolving any issues quickly without having someone remain silent about something important coming up later down line which could end up hurting many people emotionally physically financially etcetera…

Going forward.

  • Be honest.
  • Be transparent.
  • Be proactive.
  • Be kind.
  • Respectful of others time, effort, and space to grow as an individual and as a team member (I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true).
  • Open to feedback—your own and others’.
  • Brave enough to say “I’m sorry” when you are wrong or if someone needs your help in any way shape or form; regardless of who they are or how senior they may be than you.
  • Accountable for all actions taken in your name or on behalf of the company; even if these actions were made by someone else or against their will (think: firing an employee after they’ve been let go).
  • A leader who shows through his/her actions what needs fixing before acting upon it as well as what can be changed after action is taken (again: accountability).
  • A role model for others when dealing with challenging situations at work and outside of work so everyone knows exactly where their leaders stand on important issues facing them professionally (for example: being transparent about a layoff)

A call for candor and transparency.

There is no better time than now to be honest and transparent with your customers.

The more people know about what’s happening, the less they’ll worry. Communication is key, so let your customers know exactly what’s going on. You can’t hide from them forever, so don’t try! If there’s something you need to say or do that might not be easy for you, then have someone else say it or do it for you—but make sure they’re completely honest and open in their dealings with others.


The road ahead is full of uncertainty, but one thing is for sure: if you’re a creator, it’s time to start thinking about your audience. Create something that will make them love you. If you’re an exec at a network or platform, consider what makes people subscribe in the first place—and then think about how to keep them around long-term. If there are any lessons here, it’s that we need more transparency from all sides when it comes to canceling shows, and all parties involved should be willing to have candid conversations about why their projects were axed rather than just throw up their hands and say “it wasn’t for us.”

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