Understanding 1st Amendment Auditors

Be prepared for 1st amendment auditors.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association. It also prohibits any law that abridges the freedoms of speech or press. As a result, the public has been able to film police officers in public places without being arrested or detained for doing so. However, some police officers are unaware of this fact, which leads them to arrest citizens who record them with their cell phones. In other cases where people have been charged with filming police officers, courts have ruled against charges being filed because filming is allowed under the First Amendment.

Who are First Amendment Auditors?

Auditors are people who record police officers to ensure they are following the law. They are not just lawyers, activists, or journalists. Auditors can be anyone and everyone who believes in accountability for those with power over us.

If you find yourself on the receiving end of an audit, know that it’s not personal—or at least it shouldn’t feel that way. An auditor simply wants to make sure your behavior matches up to what should happen under our laws and Constitution. If there is a discrepancy between what you did or said versus how a situation should have been handled legally, then an auditor will document exactly what happened so we all can see whether or not anything needs fixing moving forward.

What do they do?

They film the police officers when they’re arresting people. They film the police officers when they use force against a suspect being arrested or someone who is not resisting arrest, like when an officer uses a taser or pepper spray on an individual who is not actively fighting back or trying to run away from them.

Some 1st Amendment Auditors will also follow officers around for their entire shift and film their interactions with members of the community as well as at stations where officers work out of during their shifts, such as patrol cars and jails.

Why do they do it?

These actions are often in the name of holding law enforcement accountable, but they have other layers. They can also be seen as a way to keep the public informed, which is important because it gives them information about how their money is being spent. They want to protect the public from law enforcement and vice versa, but most importantly they want to protect themselves from both of these entities.

These people believe that if one person breaks the law or does something wrong, then we all are responsible for allowing it or condoning it. If there’s not enough oversight, then how do we know our rights aren’t being violated? The answer is simple: because no one checks up on them! The cops will always say anything goes when it comes down to protecting themselves from accountability!

What should police know if they encounter an auditor?

The best thing for the police to do is to stay calm and professional. Remember that you have the right to film in public, including filming police officers in public areas. If you are approached by an auditor, be polite and respectful. Remember that this person has no legal authority over you.

The auditor will likely ask if they can see your identification card, which should be a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID with your name on it (but not necessarily government issued). Police officers can also ask to see these items if they want to verify that someone is who they say they are before engaging them further as part of their investigation; however, it’s important for both parties involved that these requests not be made solely because one party might disagree with another’s viewpoint or objective intentions—and especially not when those objectives involve peacefully exercising First Amendment rights like filming officers doing their jobs during traffic stops or other encounters between citizens and law enforcement officials.”

First amendment Auditors are on the rise, despite court rulings.

First amendment auditors are on the rise, despite court rulings.

The number of cases of 1st amendment auditors is growing. The number of cases of 1st amendment auditors is rising despite court rulings. The number of cases of 1st amendment auditors is rising despite court rulings and despite the fact that it is legal to film in public.

What rights do 1st amendment auditors have?

The right to record in public is a fairly well-established one. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a camera on them at all times—a cellphone or even just an old-fashioned digital camera. You have the right to film the police in public areas and even if they’re doing their job.

But that doesn’t mean you can just randomly film people! If you’re filming someone who isn’t aware that they’re being filmed, it’s illegal (and creepy).

Government employees should be trained on what the public can record on video.

You can record the police in public areas.

You can record the police doing their jobs in public areas.

You can film the police doing their jobs in public areas with their consent (except when they’re eating).


It’s important to know what the law says about recording in public places. And because First Amendment auditors are on the rise, it’s also important for police officers to know how they can handle these situations.

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